Low Libido & Sexual Medications

Improve Your sex drive First Choice Mens Health clinic

Women’s libido, or sexual drive, differs from person to person. The fact that there is no absolute right or incorrect level should be emphasized. A woman’s libido can be affected by a number of things, such as her hormone levels, relationships, stress levels, lifestyle, and drugs.

Finding the root problems and creating a treatment plan to address them are the first steps in treating low libido in women.

Causes Of Low Libido

There are no right or improper levels of libido in women, as was previously mentioned. Furthermore, it is common for libido levels to change in response to both internal and external circumstances. If your libido stays low for an extended length of time, you should make an appointment to talk with a medical expert.

Some primary causes of low libido in women include:

  • Fluctuating hormone levels: fall in estrogen (the women sex hormone) & testosterone levels can trigger additional symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and lessened sexual responsiveness, all of which can lead to low libido.
  • Premature, induced, or surgical menopause can cause hormone level fluctuations, of which low libido is a side effect.
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) triggered due to hormone level changes.
  • Psychological factors including stress, low self-esteem, poor body image, depression, and anxiety can adversely affect women’s sexual drive.
  • Poor relationship with your partner or lack of connection during intercourse. 
  • Physical causes include pain during sex, medical conditions, surgery, and fatigue.

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